1 August 2015, Brisbane.
RFBS have completed the final stage in the upgrade of Prouds Jewellers stocktake solution, using the Zebra MT2000 mobile computer.
RFBS assisted Prouds to transition from paper stocktake to scanning in 2003, building a portable RF stocktake kit to replace a paper driven process.
The solution allowed the loss management team to perform over 5,000 stocktakes across the Prouds Jewellers, Angus & Coote and Goldmark brands with
data consolidated and uploaded to the ERP solution for processing.
In 2015, Prouds again turned to RFBS to recommend a new solution which could grow with them into the future.
RFBS evaluated scanners from a number of different manufacturers against a set of ergonomic criteria, eventually settling on the Zebra MT2000 device based on:
- Weight. At just 378g, the MT2000 is very light-weight and suitable for office-based used.
- Form Factor. A pistol grip form-factor reduces strain on the wrist in high-volume scanning operations.
- Scanner. The laser engine easily reads the high-density bacodes on jewellery.
- Application support. The MT2000 is supported by Wavelink Avalanche, which is used to manage a fleet of over 300 devices used Australia-wide.
RFBS rebuilt the stocktake application for the MT2000 and re-built the reporting software to run on modern laptops.